Monday, August 22, 2005

it is time a health warning was put on charity adverts.

how many people get suckered in by the "sad" faces and emotional style of charity tv adverts.
what people dont know is those charities are often far from poor. in fact they have years of savings, making bank fund managers very rich.
and what about those "please give just £2 a month adverts" where do people think that is going to go, to help the little girl with sad eyes?
no chance, 50p goes to the bank for the direct debit costs, and the rest in charity admin and all the crap they will then send the donator to try and make that £2 a month something more substantial.
its time a warning was given on every charity advert. something along the lines of their audited needs, their out goings, their income, and the amount they spend on adverts, especially tv adverts.
let people know, if they donate just £2 a month, it wont go on help, it will go on getting more money from them


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