Sunday, August 07, 2005

robin cook rip

i for one was not one that shared many of robin cook's political views.

but it was very sad news that he had collapsed and died this weekend. one i am sure the conspiracy posts will swirl with after dr kelly ones in the past.

but mr cook was an star in the anti-iraq war debate. he was not a loud mouth, drum banging guy. he honourably resigned his government cabinet position, and then calmly asked important questions in a polite manner of the prime minister when one needed asking.

that is how our democracy is meant to work, and he stuck to those rules well. that meant he was given more reverence by his targets, and so actually got results.

his voice will be missed, not only by those who opposed the war, but those who regardless of their own views about his politics admired the way he went about his business.

if only more people in our system were as polite, thoughtful and effective.


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