Sunday, October 14, 2007

halo3 - i hate it

ok i have spent an hour on this now.

i dont like it.

i cant see what is going on
i dont like squad based games
i dont like how filled the screen is
and i dont like the default keys. i keep shooting my team instead of jumping

and i have no bullets left after the 3rd check point.

i hate it

xbox 360... or kettle?

this week i bought an xbox 360.

how loud is that fan? it sounds like a kettle boiling half the time.

the "package" (premium system) you get though does seem to feel good value. there are a lot of cables, books, heavy boxes, headset etc...
far better than the gamecube that was a machine, not the cables you needed, controller and transformer.. no feeling of "wow" at all.