Thursday, December 25, 2008

samsung omnia

4 months ago i took delivery of a brand new orange omnia. yes! they managed to keep me as a customer, and no, i havent got anywhere near the 250mb data cap my panther price plan gives me to play with each month.

but, what i cant understand is why the "media" is so down on microsofts mobile operating system. its fantastic. ok it has a very long learning curve and the access interface differs between manufactures, but that makes the phones standard yet unique and able to explore different ideas and features.

i bet that a lot of the less friendly reviews have been because the user has only spent a short time with the phone. true, not being the easiest phone to pick up and run with is a major problem for a user, but not an owner, who has the time to learn how a well featured phone works.

its smaller than an iphone, lighter than an iphone, has a better camera, a flash (that is too strong for many uses! but can be turned on to be a very good torch as a result!) and it has a huge memory. mine has a total of 24gb, with 2500 mp3 tracks already loaded...

yes it has the odd stutter when its in a built up area like london where all phones struggle to keep up with the limited network availability, but outside london i havent seen it stutter once...

the next version will be a corker.